Thursday, March 10, 2022

  Kia ora koutou oku tauira pukumahi

I admit I have high expectations of you and they are underpinned by the belief that you CAN and WILL train more effectively and purposefully if YOU took complete charge of your training. However, many of you exceeded even my expectations. It was a delight to witness you totally engrossed in training you had planned.- informed by reflecting on how effective your training was, what next.. and researching coaching advice from the internet.  Tino miharo to koutou whakaritenga!

Now I would like you to:

1. Choose a reflection from your 'Log It or Lose It' OR your Portfolio Entry 2 which best captures your response to/in this module of learning.

2. Check for any spelling/punctuation/grammatical errors and edit.

3. Copy and paste it here.

Your task over the next week is to respond to the posts of three classmates. I know you will ensure your responses are: POSITIVE   SUPPORTIVE   HELPFUL

                    Ma te manaakitanga e whakapakari taatou


  1. Socially I love to work with others to help them achieve. Working together was a factor that helped me in many ways, most importantly in my participation. Working with others has benefited everyone equally. In one of my written reflections I talked about how working together can benefit you in many things and not only has it benefited my participation , but has also made me understand society. “I was motivated today by my peers. I was at the running stations for the majority of the time trialing and timing my runs, however for the remaining I got to spend time with my peers. I worked over at long jump and the 200m events with Ocean. I worked with Capri, Jacque, Tyson and some of the year 12s over at the Discus event and I got to work with Wati over at the 100m. I enjoyed giving/receiving feedback/forward from others because it has not only helped myself but has also helped them as well. I really liked how we are getting to know each other and how we can have this whakawhanaungatanga time with each other in class because it has really opened up others and made them feel comfortable in this environment. Working together can offer many beneficial concepts like sociable skills, feedback/forward and can help teams with education because everyone can give ideas which leads into being able to communicate with one another. Working together is a key concept we need in life and being able to do it at a young age can help you understand society and understand the greater reality of this world” This piece of written reflection has already explained HOW this factor influenced my participation and has been a beneficial concept to me in other terms as well.
    The reason why working together has influenced my participation is because it shows diversity and equality within a group of people who are all different. This concept has a huge impact on me as an individual because my culture had to fight for equality and acknowledgement in their own country, when really, everyone should have just worked together to figure out a way to be equal. As a teenager I observed society and the different stereotypes. I can understand why working together is better than assuming that independence will get you further because you have people, and with people comes communication, with communication comes acceptance, and with acceptance comes diversity. This is why working together has helped influence my participation.

    1. Kia ora Jocelyn
      You are most definitely a global thinker who is able to discern the multi-faceted details and how they interconnect and link to the whole picture. However, you also have insight beyond the present and near future, drawing connections to benefitting our wider society. Such depth and breadth of thinking is rare. One of our class mottos is: 'When one teaches, two learn' and you epitomize that motto. Ever willing to give FB and FF, to move seamlessly from collaborating with one group to another. Ae, he tauira tuturu koe.

    2. Kia ora Jocelyn
      Your vast knowledge and realisation of such demonstrates to me your deep insight in PE. You consistently continue to produce quality work and it ceases to amaze me each and every time. "Keep ya' head up."

    3. Hi Jocelyn, your reflection portrays an incredible understanding, not only of your physical, hands-on learning, but how the concepts you learn in class relate to the outside world. You have placed key emphasis on the effects of social interaction on your learning, and how it motivated you to move forward. You are open to receive feedback on your performance, and develop that into your own feed-forward. Your attitude is encouraging and you are an integral part of the class of Level 1 PHE, helping develop positive class culture through your willingness to work with a variety of different people.

    4. Hello there, Jocelyn. While reading, I saw that you were not only concerned with yourself, but also with being productive and beneficial to everyone with whom you collaborated. All we're doing is making our lives easier. :)
      If we're simply talking about the writing itself, I'm blown away by the level of detail and the linkages to the real world. Excellent work here :)

  2. Social Factors definitely had a positive impact on my learning, especially with my two mates Jayden and Ocean. We used to be terribly partnered up and not get work done but we’ve had a sense of maturity happen to us so that we all motivated each other. These two friends helped me accomplish my highest score I’ve ever jumped in High Jump which is 1.09 meters simply by comparing me to my ultimate competition, my best friend. Yes it seems like I was belittled, but it only motivated me to push through. They’d also add the occasional feedback or feedforward like “Tuck earlier” and Ocean's favourite “Instead of jumping straight up, jump towards the mat.” In return I supported each of them differently. Jayden is more of a visual learner, so I’d just perform the javelin for him, give him a few tips and he got the hang of it afterwards and consistently stabbed the javelin in the ground every throw. Ocean and I work better when we do it with each other, and we give each other more mental help. Seeing each other doing something motivated us more, so we ran 200m and get our recordings together a lot, and also trained high jump.

    1. Kia ora Jacque. I liked how you work together with your peers. It shows not only improvement for you, but for your two peers (Jayden & Ocean). I love how you identified a challenge you overcame with the help of 'working together' because not only have you set an example for others, but you have given an example of how to be the example (tauira). Helpful and supportive advice, stated from my book of whakatauki's "He aroha whakato, he aroha puta mai". Kia kaha and keep doing good.

    2. Hi Jacque. It is clear through your reflection that you helped not only your self achieved but also two friends that surrounded you. This a really good tie in to your paragraph statement of social factors having a positive impact on you. I like how you overcome your fear of the bar as we moved more thoroughly into our athletics bracket. The fact that you included the influence your friends had on you was really good as it gave an explanation of how social factors positively impacted you. Others help you and you help them so I agree with your statement.

    3. Kia ora Jacque
      Your ability to display courage in PE strikes motivation to others around you and it is evident through your actions and words. You possess leadership qualities many of us yearn for, and utilise your rare qualities to elevate others. I admire a character like you and hope to learn much from you this year!

  3. This also influences my sense of achievement as I can get proper help from my peers and their advice. This caused my technique to improve. When we all aim to achieve high, the more fun we tend to have and I have found that the skill of the people around me drives me to do better. This helped as I trained with other people with different skills and learnt their ability. It allows me to learn from them and drives me to get to their level of skill. During a lesson of Athletics I trained with one of my peers named Ocean. She had a huge impact on my skill as she gave me feedback and feed-forward on my performance telling me where I needed to improve whilst I was doing the same for her. As we trained in High Jump together we found we were quite evenly matched and as our training got more challenging we each drove ourselves and ended up jumping at a level we never thought we could. This showed me that it is really good to train with peers as peer coaching gives you the ability to see where you are going wrong to improve that specific aspect and gives you the opportunity to learn from another person.

    1. Kia Ora Aisha, your reflection here truly portrays who are as a student in our PE class. Not only do you care about improving yourself, but you also care about the improvement of others and helping them as much as you can. I remember looking over at you and Ocean and seeing how hyped you two were every jump. You are setting an amazing example for the rest of us in the class, and an ULTIMATE congratulation for the record you accomplished. Wish you nothing but the best of luck to meet your goals for Athletics.

    2. Hi Aisha, your reflection displays a deep understanding of the elements involved in improvement, with a particular focus on how social factors impacted your learning. Your discussion on feedback and feed-forward provided an insight into key elements that motivate you to achieve to the high standards you set yourself. It is great to see you acknowledge your achievements- your enthusiasm towards improvement is an excellent motivator to us all. A huge congratulations to what you have already achieved, and the best of luck moving forward to meet your goals.

    3. Good afternoon Aisha. I find our similarities frightening knowing that we both desire to be better than our peers. The reflection demonstrated that you relied on peers inputs (a good thing) and that you comprehended what they taught you. Overall, I enjoyed reading and learning about your sportsmanship.

  4. Improving technique, Sense of Achievement and Improving at own pace: These factors are interconnected with one another, which is why I have chosen to reflect on their influence as one. I believe that if there is an opportunity to improve, you should take it. Being in an athletics unit has not only strengthened my running abilities, it has also helped improve my coordination. By fully immersing myself in this unit, I have developed skills and abilities that I can translate across to other sports: understanding how to efficiently train by targeting specific muscles and gaining coordination in my body through the technicalities of high jump and javelin. All these things have not only led to improvement, they have led to a sense of achievement- not through physical success: gaining a PG or medal- but achievement through understanding the basic principles behind what I am trying to achieve. Being able to reflect like this is proof that I have not only improved my physical capabilities over this unit, I have broken mental boundaries and developed a stronger growth mindset, which is what will ultimately help me reach these higher standards in the future. This unit allowed us to explore our self motivation and ability to manage ourselves without the constant supervision of a teacher. As a result we were able to focus on what we personally needed to improve on, efficiently using our learning time and tailoring it to best suit our personal goals. We were able to focus on technique and progress at the pace that allowed us to gain the maximum understanding from our learning. To summarize, these factors all influenced my participation in a number of ways, as mentioned above, however the biggest gain made from the influence of these factors was expanding my growth mindset as well as feeling the achievement gleaned through understanding. Finally, the improvement in my coordination skill and how that can translate to my abilities in other sports.

    1. Kia Ora Lily. It's amazing to see how in depth you thought about this writing especially considering you combined three, and I agree with everything you've said. I was introduced a growth mindset in year 10 and everything you've mentioned about developing skills has happened to myself also. I know for a fact you have tried everything in your ability to achieve goals and your growth has a big influence in your results. Those battle scars sure paid off. Hope you keep well and healthy in this week shutdown :)

    2. Kia ora Lilly. Your reflection shows you are a very in depth writer and i liked how you managed to fit three factors into your one paragraph. I agree with your statement of taking the chance to improve as I included this as one of my things to improve on in my own reflection. I congratulate you on breaking that mental barrier you spoke about and hope your skills continue to grow through our next bracket.

    3. Hi Lilly. Well done for tackling those mental boundaries. It was amazing to see you conquer your fear of the bar in high jump. It motivated me to work harder. I look forward to working with you when we get back to school and seeing what mental boundary you can conquer next.

  5. Can go at own pace Improving skills:

    To me this factor was really important in a few ways. Personally, I need time to go over in my head what I need to do, and calculations of the angle of my body for the release or take off (in other words visualise things). Sometimes this can take me a while to get it more precise, but sometimes I get in straight away. So in other words, I really love how we can all go our own speeds during trainings, so if you’re ready to move on, you can move on, but if you need more time, you have that time to go slow and precise things.

    1. Kia ora Ethan. Although you published a 'short & sweet' paragraph, I like that you can identify what factor helped you. I like the detail you gave when writing, also, the structure helped me understand your point of view of this factor (Can go at own pace improving skills). Overall you understand this factor clearly, and have been able to identify what needs improving which shows high level of thinking. If there is any helpful factors to give you, I'd say to keep going, and always go beyond your maximum potential.

    2. Kia ora Ethan
      This factor proved to be essential, personally, as I progressed through Athletics as well. Your brief reflection includes the appropriate information to call a 'quality reflection'. Your ability to identify flaws in your technique without the aid of others is a skill I wish to possess in the near future. This requires a deep understanding of the action you're attempting to perform and yourself. I'm impressed with you Ethan, and hope to see more outstanding, quality reflections from you!

    3. Kia ora Ethan, I think it's really cool that you can so clearly identify the method of training that works well for you and use that to your advantage.

    4. Hii Ethan, your a very determined person and I acknowledge you and your achievements. Watching you practice from a distance was inspiring and I strive to take your words into consideration, you have a strong hinengaro, continue to work hard! Ocean <3

    5. Hello Ethan, From the training sessions I can tell that you are a very determined person. I like the fact that you acknowledged that yk not everyone has the same learning speed some are faster and some are slower then others. keep up the hark work!

    6. Hi Ethan, your determination is inspiring. Just from reading your paragraph I can tell that you try hard in every lesson and challenge yourself until you have down packed the your learning skill well. This tells us all that you don't mind spending a little longer working hard to achieve to your greatest level.

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  7. Social aspects in sport can influence your level of participation and ability to improve. Linking this to personal experience, socializing and interacting with other people builds confidence. This confidence fuels your effort and participation within a lesson to exceed your limit. This factor especially, influenced me throughout PE and enabled me to step out of my comfort zone to achieve much more than I could alone. The concept of peer coaching and being inclusive with your peers in class developed the necessary skills to convert me from an introvert to a social butterfly. The drastic difference between the two and my ability to transform into a ‘social butterfly’ represents my journey throughout PE. I’m beginning to exercise my social abilities to enhance both my physical and mental capabilities. Socializing is viewed as a barrier to many; an impenetrable barrier that prevents us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. Thus, the social aspect in sport and in general can be used as a tool to maximize your potential. I must break the recurring pattern of not being afraid to connect with others but rather become familiar with working with others. Evidence of this is included in my log-it and lose-it reflection on the 25/2/22: In sports, teamwork is essential to achieving a victory as it requires the effort of every member on the team. Today I worked with a group of students to achieve my goal, which was to improve on the release of the Discus and utilizing power from my lower body to increase my throwing distance of the Shot put. Every sport has steps which are broken down to make it easier to learn and eventually make every step ‘autonomous’. These steps combined, will be the overall technique for that specific event. I noticed that’s how Whaea Ruth prefers to teach her students. Peeling away a couple students to learn, then teach, not only develops communication skills, but the skill in the event. Wati, Ethan, Jocelyn and Tyson acted as a guide for me. Their effort became my motivation to work harder, thrive and overall, be a better me. I’m very pleased with myself and my peers today. We all gave it a go! We all tried our hardest! We all achieved!

    1. Kia ora Izaiah. from reading your outstanding reflection, it is visible and comprehensive to me that you have made improvement throughout this unit. Not only do show understanding for improvement in skill , but you have also shown understanding for other factors such as socialising. Also, not only are you starting to open up, interact, and be more inclusive in activities, you are also showing leadership for self and others. My whakatauki to you "Whaia te iti kahurangi, kia tuohu koe mehemea he maunga teitei".

    2. Kia Ora Izaiah. I must say when Whaea Ruth said you were an amazing writer, I didn't believe her. Not until now. Your in depth reflection about Social Factors shows your understanding of the concept, and also how it helped you in this unit. I never knew you were the quiet type, especially considering our type of conversations but it's good to hear how you are coming out of your shell and comfort zone a lot more. I definitely agree about your comment on mine, and I wish to learn a few things from you also. Wish you the best for this unit, and the many more units to come.

    3. Kia ora Izaiah. You are a very in depth writer with excellent vocabulary. It is very good that you are building your confidence and being more interactive with your peers through peer coaching. I agree with your statement of 'teamwork is essential to achieving a victory as it requires the effort of every member on the team' as everyone needs to do there part for there own achievement and the achievement of others.

    4. Hi Izaiah, your incredible ability to efficiently self reflect is strongly prevalent throughout your paragraph. Not only do you illustrate and in-depth understanding of factors that influence your own self improvement, you also describe the compound aspects of different events and how each is fundamental in your overall mastery of the skill. Your comparison of being introverted to becoming a 'social butterfly' is once again proof of your ability to see the wider effects peer coaching is having on you as a person. You have an incredible writing ability and all in all this was an amazing reflection to read.

    5. Kia Ora Izaiah,
      First off, being able to read and go through your reflection is truly astonishing, you have a true talent in the way you write. How you have written this reflection is truly inspiring and by inspiring I mean the way you write and what you are saying.
      My personal favourite part of your amazing reflection is when you bring up your "journey throughout PE," and how "the concept of peer coaching and being inclusive with your peers in class developed the necessary skills to convert me from an introvert to a social butterfly." You might have been a bit of an introvert then, but it really shows how much progress you have overcome.
      I think that you can really go a long way if you keep the mindset that you are in now, you're doing great, so keep it up, push for it, and show your capabilities!!!

    6. Hi Isaiah, after reading your wonderful response, it looks great and looks perfect to me as you improved in this session. They not only showed an understanding of skill improvement, but also an understanding of other factors such as: B. Socialization. In addition, he will not only be open, interact and begin to participate in activities, but will also begin to show leadership qualities for himself and others.
      keep it up.

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  9. My factores really helped me with my learning for this activity because it made me get out of my comfort zone and made me work well with other people that I haven’t worked with before until now. My partners and my teacher influenced me by working with others, peer coaching, getting out of my shyness and getting to know everyone in my class. I enjoy level 1 P.E because we get to move at our own pace, knowing we can take our time if we do and move on if we get the hang of it. I had challenged myself by having a 200m race with my partner Hane, he gave me a 10 seconds head start and suddenly I caught up to me, racing against him was nerve wracking because I kept looking back knowing that he was going to catch up so I started laughing which made me slow down. I know next time is to focus on what I'm doing so that I can get where I need to be. My most highlight for me is getting to plan our own PE lessons and get to do whatever we want, as long as we are working, participating and having fun. Working with others is helpful because they can give you feedback on what you need to work on and what you did well. While I was doing high jump I made a mistake and one of my classmates, Ocean, had given me good feedback on what I did wrong and how I could improve it.

    1. Hey Vanya, I can also relate to getting out of my comfort zone and working with others besides my friends, It was hard but definitely wasn't a regret. Watching you run and get involved with others inspired me. Your reflection is honest and your a motivating partner, continue to run with courage because you'll only get a better outcome Ocean <3

    2. Hello, Vanya. "Get out of my comfort zone" was one of my favourites as it emphasises the dedication and perseverance required to get to where you are currently on the field. Working with others is an excellent method to get free from your so-called "bubble." Good job:)

    3. Kia orange Vanya, I find this paragraph really relatable like where you said your partners and teachers are a great influence on you and its inspiring how you are willing to get out of your comfort zone and interact with people you usually dont with. Keep up the good work!

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    1. Kia ora Ocean, I'm inspired by the fact that you weren't discouraged by your shoulder injury and found a way to train effectively. I think this reflection is honest and brave and shows that you already have the courage and motivation that you aspire to have.

    2. Kia ora Ocean, I'm impressed that you have done a great job participating in P.E with an injury shoulder knowing you couldn't do any throw events, but eventually you found something to do such as High jump. I think you have manged well during P.e time because this would of taken you courage and hope for you to be able to participate. Good Job Ocean:)

    3. Pushing my body physically and mentally positively impacted my participation in my learning because I had to maneuver and understand the activities I was capable of achieving, due to my shoulder injury. I was separated from my peers when it came to throwing events so I had to think and be independent about my accomplishments. The majority of my training was focused on how well I could demonstrate the activity such as high jump, Because I was unable to participate in the throwing acts I decided to test which activities provided me with the best outcome. This pushed my metal limit to the max I was pushed out of my comfort zone while performing events around others whereas before I could hide behind my pairs and not feel so ashamed. By individually running the 200 metre it showed me how supportive and kind the students in my class are and I strive to have the courage and motivation they do.

  11. Sense of achievement
    This factor impacted my training greatly. When I was achieving I felt more motivated to continue as I was in a good mind set and thought I could achieve more. For example when I was training in high jump and felt like my technique was improving and I could jump higher, I felt like pushing myself more and really working hard to improve on things. However, when I was training in shot put, I wasn't achieving the standard I thought I should be able to. This impacted my participation greatly as I was discouraged and so avoided shot put for most training. I have learnt now that if I wasn't confident in the shot put I should have researched the technique more until I was and then tried again. I could have also asked a peer who seemed more confident for some help.

    1. This was posted by Olivia. I don't know why it's come up as Unknown.

    2. Hi Olivia, your ability to self reflect on the factors of your participation is prevalent through your paragraph. You are an amazing person to work with as you focus on nailing the technique and persist until you achieve your high standards. It is motivational for all. You have already displayed an ability to tackle skills with determination and focus as well as a positive mindset, and I believe that you will achieve above and beyond your goals this year.

    3. Hi Olivia, I feel asif this paragraph about the sense of achievment is very relatable. When I worked with you I saw you were achieving alot more when you felt asif you were improving and you have explained this well in your paragraph. You have displayed an ability to complete the high standards of learning new skills with hard work and determination. Well done.

    4. Kia Ora Olivia,
      I feel that I can strongly relate to your reflection except I am the total opposite. When I was doing high jump I felt that I wasn’t improving at all so I tried to avoid it and go to something I am more confident and familiar with, like shot put and javelin.
      The little time that I saw you training, from my personal perspective I saw that you were able to take into consideration the feed-back and feed-forward that your peers were giving you and you were able to acknowledge it, and it seemed to work very well for you. I think that if you keep up your research on these specific things, you WILL improve, whether that be in high jump, shot put, or any other thing athletics related or not.
      Keep it up and keep striving for gold, amazing work!!

  12. Of all of the factors that I'm about to explain, I feel like having fun and enjoying what I'm doing has the biggest impact on me. Personally I feel like I'm somebody that needs to enjoy what they are doing to thrive at what they are doing,This is also the reason that I focus on throwing events, mainly the discus.when i first started discus you know I threw 21.3m and it always went out to the side but now I can throw over 30m consistently with it landing closer to the line then before. For me the fun part of discus is seeing just how much i've improved and how much more i can work on. I also think Having fun with my peers helps me alot is well.The reason as to why I think that is because I myself don't really enjoy doing things alone, I find it boring. Whereas when I'm playing with my peers I find myself more engaged and I also find myself more entertained.

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    2. Kia Ora tyson. Very good paragraph from you as you put a lot of detail into your work. I can understand why u do throwing events, and also i can understand why you do not like training by yourself. I find this factor really appealing to why you like having fun and enjoying yourself, nice one.

    3. Hi Tyson, I think your paragraph is very good. It shows that you tend to focus on one thing at a time and make sure you have achieved the highest standard you can of the skill or technique that you are learning. Your paragraph is also very relatable in ways if you don't enjoy the lesson your not going to do it as well. Overall good paragraph, Well done

    4. Kia Tyson. A very good paragraph from you as you have put a lot of details into your work. I understand why you you do throwing events and I hate training alone. I think that element is really fascinating because you are having fun.

  13. Kia Ora Jayden throughout P.E I think that you have done a great job knowing that you had made mistakes through the years but you still managed to choose the same subject and just carried on. I think that the most important thing is to have fun with others and express yourself with your peers, without interruption. Keep on the great work Jayden:)

  14. Improving skills also had a lot of positive achievements during my training lessons.
    The reason why I have improved a lot of skills is because of my feedback and advice from my friends and others, I improved through our training lessons and back at home studying technique for my shot put and sprints. My results were tremendous as I got better each day at every lesson and improved my skills at home as well. (Shot Put) I was watching which video was best for me, I got taught to always stay low before I launch the shot put to reach my own personal achievement, results were successful for me as I threw 12.4m with a 5kg shot put, all that studying and homework really paid off for my achievements. (100 m sprints) Before my success in my 100m I want to explain what I was doing wrong before my success. My posture while sprinting was not the best, as I would always let my arms loose while striving, until I got taught from Hane the proper way to sprint. He taught me a lot in just a short amount of time. I learnt a lot during one lesson and have been doing homework and studying back at home as well. I continued to practice at home while my sprinting was not the best, I started working Harder and searching up some tips and tricks for my personal goal. And yet again my results came back amazing as well in a short amount of time. My time was a stunning 14.40 seconds. The time really pays off if you stay committed to your training.

    1. Amazing Paragraph Wati. In this paragraph i can see that you are a very determined and are always striving to improve your skills. I like how you acknowledged your what your lacking in / need to improve and actually done something thing to correct them. For example when you actually listened to Hanes advice and went back and put it into action. keep up the good work!

  15. Congratulations Wati! Your very determined and successful. Your reflection is full of energy, I like how you have consideration towards Hane and your Taha Tinana is overwhelming. Continue to study hard, and accomplish your goals! Ocean <3

  16. I chose "challenge" because I enjoy being on my feet, and the concept of winning or losing simply made me think of how many students would be attempting the Javelin in Athletics.
    Even though I know that losing isn't the end of the world, my mindset seeks to win. I was motivated to practise harder since I knew there were some boys who were bigger and stronger than me. Knowing that I could compensate for my lack of physical ability by honing my Javelin skills spurred me to work harder. This relates to the factor "feeling of achievement," in which I am more confident in my talents if I receive an excellence in athletics or a score of 30+ in Javelin, but if I receive a bad achievement, my confidence plummets, resulting in a large ego.
    To summarise, I believe that the best aspect of myself is also a flaw. I aim to be the greatest, but just because I'm not the best doesn't mean I'm not good at what I do. That is something I must learn to accept.

  17. Social factors influenced my participation positively because I was able to feel more comfortable when learning new skills, meaning I can ask my peers questions and ask them for help whenever. Competing with friends pushed me to perform at a higher standard in training and improve everything. Reflection example: Day and date: 28/02/22 What factor or who motivated/influenced my level of participation/effort.
    Whaea Ruth helped me with learning the technique on how to do the fosbury flop. I had never done this before so of course I was a bit nervous. Olivia and Lilly were also learning this. We all were not confident with using the bar straight away so we practiced without the bar until we were confident enough to try it with the bar. I think that doing it with a group of unconfident classmates who are just as nervous as me helped me alot because they felt the same way when learning the technique.

    1. Kia Ora Sophie,
      I think that the fact that you have your peers right there beside you is a major thing that so many of us benefit from. Whether they are as dumbfounded as you are or they know what they are doing. Either way you can learn from each other, you can watch their technique, how they are doing it, and embed it into your own routine. When I saw you training for athletics, I really liked how you were able to take in what people were saying (for instance, when we were doing high jump), you didn’t overthink it too much (even though you were a bit nervous) and you just did it. Which to me, one that overthinks absolutely everything, even the smallest of things. It stands out, and I think that is really good for you, and you should use this as an advantage.
      Keep up all the hard work and you will achieve greatness, well done, you're doing great!!!

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  19. Why I chose “challenge” is because I for one found my goals hard to achieve and a challenge. I knew that if I kept at practising my techniques for discus, shot put, javelin, long jump and the 200m run then I would be able to reach my performance goal for each one I set on my log it or lose it. But after practise and practise, after throw and throw, lap to lap, jump to jump I would be able to achieve at my very best. But I knew that I needed to do more to reach my goals. This greed is what made me participate more. I wanted to reach my goals, that’s why I stayed longer at each activity getting my stance, my pace, my angle right so I could reach my goals I set. EXPLAINED
    In one of my written reflections it shows you how much my feedback/feedforward affects my performance, mindset and participation to do better. “ When I hold the shot put to my neck I tend to lower my elbow which makes my hand throw the shot put from far behind my ear. This happened a lot till Whaea Ruth told me and when I did the technique right, I could see the difference between how I used to throw it to then when I did it properly. The difference was what put a smile on my face and a feeling of “ I think I can throw even further. How do I think I can improve?. To make sure my back foot is planted in the ground firmly and my front foot facing the direction I want the shot put to go. With this I can turn my hips and make sure my hand and shotput are still at my neck till the release”. That's only one activity yet I am willing to push myself even further. This here is evidence of my progress, my goals and me wanting to improve my skills.

  20. The challenge had a great influence in my participation because of the interesting ways it found to intervene with my goals and aspirations there were hurdles,On the way the challenges were hard to adapt to but my determination was greater than my will to give up
    one was the high jump,The obstacle was minor but it opposed my sense of direction in a way i have never experienced
    Also what i learned was that it's not how high the bar is or how hard the challenge is whatever it may be
    it's all about how high your willing to jump to get over it ,This statement applied to me during my high jump training,
    While i was attempting to jump over the bar

    Another one was the way it pushed my mind and body to its mental limit being that being physical and emotional
    One was the 100m sprint this was a learning experience in itself.The running technique is a mind driven form requiring you to divert all of your focus towards running.when running the form is like that of a cheetah for it run as fast as it does it needs to focus towards one goal.And if something is in the way of that goal the cheetah will start to slow down looking for and alternative.but as a hole,Through all the training my mind has adapted to focusing on one objective when running.That being to cancel out everything and focus on one thing,when i was running the one thing that drove me to keep running was determination.determination to improve,determination to succeed,determination to win

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  26. Improving skills
    In Renegade hockey Improving my skills really increased participation because seeing myself improve in the simple skills such as the flick and dribble made it easier to perform and to pull off strategic plays. Noticing that my physical skills were improving I tried focusing on the other skills that I lacked and that was communication with my fellow peers but mostly the ones that I don't spend much time with such as Olivia. At first she was kinda shy and didn't want to talk that much. I could tell that she was uncomfortable or nervous as I could be intimidating for the amount of experience in the physical department but as I helped her progress with the basic skills she started to open up and communicate with me slowly.
    I really enjoyed working with her as a friend and I know that her physical skills have improved because in game her control and participation has immensely improved and I continue to help out and make my fellow students better than they were yesterday.

    1. Good job hemi. I am very happy to see you improving your gameplay while also giving a helping hand to others that need it your very thoughtful and keep it up.

    2. Kia Ora Hemi. Good job with your improvement in not only your skills but your ability to help others that need it I really see how hard your trying and how much effort your putting into perfecting every skill great job and keep up the hard mahi .

  27. Kia Ora jayden. very inspirational and life changing speech. i found the way how you would get out of your comfort zone and be confident around people you dont know or other things. You are very determined to make great in your future, keep it up !

  28. Kia Ora Hemi. I am very proud of your improvements and success during your Renegade Hockey lesson. I like the way how you helped out olivia and create a peer coaching bond with eachother. you are very wise and a great leader, keep up the good work bro :)

  29. Nice Jayden your ability to realize your past mistakes have made you grown into a better person. I really enjoyed your paragraph and reading your achievements

  30. Social factors
    In renegade hockey the social factors really influenced my participation because I have only been at this school for a short period time but I have been able to make heaps on new friends mainly through PE because I find it easier to bond or make friendship with other when I'm playing games or doing physical activity it really made me want to meet everyone and know everyone closer because I had a really fun time playing with all the people

  31. “What motivated me today was my wanting to do better in this event, the coaching from Whaea Ruth and my peers supporting me”.

  32. I work very much on my work but I want to try to do 300M TOMORROW for training if it’s okay with you. but if I want to, I will put that in my list because I feel good about the 300M TOMORROW. but I want whaea Sophia do help me to do it and I love whaea Sophia Harper I love Sophia because she helps me a lot,so I like it when she helps me to do my work.
    but my work was good because I got help from whaea sophia. she is so cool for us if you want her to be cool but she is cool to me and I want to do discus TOMORROW for training to if it is right for you then I will do it.because I got asked to but I love when sophia asked me to do it then I will do it when I asked to do it I am happy when I got asked to do it and I do lesson to Sophia Harper it good to lesson so you have to lesson to but if you don’t lesson you will do for ran a the field.

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  34. but the other kid work was so cool and I like there followed the instruction
    before they get out and I am so happy for that but they need to work out as a team if we can be as a team but I like the throws but they need to slow down when you throw

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