Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Comment on this post answering the following questions:

  • Share how your training has been going for each of your events that you have chosen to do - look at each event individually, what has worked well, what has not worked well? 
  • Share which events you have improved on and why you think you have improved this far
  • Share what has been a common theme that has motivated you to keep up with your training
  • Comment on another persons post - remembering to start with a POSITIVE, then be THOUGHTFUL and then HELPFUL by asking a question.


  1. My training has helped me learn about the form and Technic about the different athletic sports im doing, it all worked well for me.
    I have improved on my javeline and shotput form by throwing in further.
    nothing has motivated me, just going because its on my time table.

    1. It looks like you have been training very well do you think you could elaborate on your training

    2. Nicey ryker, i recommend doing some activities that you arent the strongest at so you can improve on them.

    3. omg slay ryker

    4. Kia Ora Ryker,
      Thank you for sharing your training update so far. It is fantastic that you have improved in your distances for Javelin and Shot Put. If you can think about and identify from now on the factors that are motivating you to keep training that would be awesome. Keep up the great work!

  2. When it has come to training It has been really good the five events I have been training and plan on doing are javelin, shot put, discus, 100m and long jump. my training for Javelin has been really great I have learnt better technique to use more power on the throw instead of the bringing up of the javelin I feel that Javelin has been something I have improved the most in because I have trained it the most. In Discus I have only trained about 4 time and all those times my technique hasn't been that good. Same as discus my shot put training hasn't been as good as I would want it to be but I will focus on them a lot more going forward. I have trained 100m twice once recording and the second being in a race from this I know I need to train it more.
    Long jump is the thing I haven't trained at all so before athletics day I will make sure to at least train every training going forward. I feel that the thing that has motivated me was the credits at hand I plan on getting at least merit.

    1. very cool my friend

    2. this is heaps of words bro, keep the work up

    3. Kia Ora Isaiah,
      I am stoked for you that you are seeing the gains from your training in Javelin. It is very much an act of juggling that is needed when spreading your training over the 5 events, however, I am pleased that you have identified events that you need to focus more on in your training. It is awesome that you have the Merit grade for this assessment as your goal to work towards. Keep up the great work!

  3. So far my training as done quite well, even while I have missed a few lessons so far, I'm still wanting to reach my personal goals, and physical ability.
    One of the result I was pretty proud of was when I scored my 1:24.49 sec in the 400m run which I hope to at some point beat, and pursue to get better and high records on the school chart.

    1. nice work Caleb good to see your doing well and reaching your goals.

    2. Kia Ora Caleb,
      What an impressive time for your 400m event! I know you have persevered and have been working hard on your running events and this hasnt been an easy thing to do with some of the very sunny and hot lessons we have had. With you determination you have been displaying, if you are to keep this up I am sure you will continue to beat your PB's. A reminder to also keep up the training with the other throwing and jumping events that you are wanting to use for this assessment.

  4. My training for high jump is slowly progressing as each time I'm improving on the height of my jump. For 100m I have worked on my start and stance of the race. Realising how important it is to not step back when I take off, which will give me better momentum throughout the entire race. Shot put, javelin and discus has not worked too well for me as it is a weaker asset. I tried to work on it a lot more and when I learnt about the right technique for each one, I saw progress. My classmates have motivated me because they put up a competition for me which pushes me to my full potential. I take in all the feedback I get from my pairs and whaea Abby because the corrections they make help me achieve a higher standard in each event.

    1. Nice work bailz, I think this is amazing.

    2. yasss bailee your very good at everything u do

    3. Kia Ora Bailee,
      Thank you for sharing your analysis thus far on your Athletics training. Thank you for being honest on what is working well and what is not working so well. You have continued to absorb and apply all knowledge received which has been pleasing to observe. Hopefully you can work more on your throwing events. Keep it up Bailee!

  5. My training has been going slowly, I've improved more from my first time as I keep attempting. I've trained in long jump, high jump, javelon, 100m, discus and shot put. Long jump has gone well, I don't think anything has gone wrong. High jump is a bit of a struggle as I lose confidence as it goes higher. For javelon I need to work on my throwing techniques and getting my arm more straight. Discus and shot put is easy work, I feel like it has been going good but I've only done the events 3 times and I feel like I could improve more if I keep trying. 100m is going good, it is what I'm focusing on at the moment. My classmates Bailee and Anyah help motivate me by supporting me and giving me new techniques to help me improve.

    1. Nicey tia, this absolutely outstanding because when I worked with you I saw such a big improvement.

    2. Kia Ora Te Aria,
      I like how you have identified and acknowledged your support networks that give you feedback and motivate you to keep going. It is awesome having people that do this for others in your life!
      In terms of High Jump and losing confidence as it goes higher, just keep practicing at the height where you clear it and get success to help build your confidence up to push higher. Keep focused in our last lessons as we build up to Athletics day!

  6. my training went well during these last few weeks. I noticed the best improvement in the high jump, in the first training I reached 1.18 meters and finally 1.36 meters.
    I got 14 m on my first javalon attempt, 22m on my last practice which I think is a big improvement. In the long distance races, I didn't record my times, but each time I went a little further, each time it got easier.
    I found practicing alone very pleasant, because no one judged or rejected me. All in all I enjoyed my training and can't wait for athletics day to get my credits.

    1. It seems that Cory is working hard on you're personal goals, and looks to be doing pretty well with it. Its good to be motivated, and dedicated to reaching for higher goals which is very good.
      Keep it up.

    2. Kia Ora Cory,
      WOW!! That is an AMAZING increase in your High Jump and Javelin! Ka mau te wehi! You have been training really well each lesson, you are very driven and self motivated which are great assets to have. I also cant wait to see the outstanding results you have been working hard to get on Athletics day. Keep up the momentum as we wind up to Athletics Day this week!

  7. i really have not been participating very much which as i have to improve and motive myself these events are not very easy at first but pushing myself may or may not improve everyday javelin takes awhile to get it right still working on my hand movements maybe my foot work. my high jump stance i have not been practising lately 100 meters very not improving long jump not improved discs also not improve what i find that motivates me is having a friend to work with which i don aha bye.

    1. Kia Ora Dion,
      Thank you for sharing your training to date for Athletics. Being motivated and willing to make the most out of each lesson has been a work on for you, and it is great that you have also identified it. It has been pleasing to note that there has been an improvement in that, and you are bringing gear more consistently which is pleasing. I would encourage you to continue to work on a variety of events each lesson, rather than just one so you dont get unmotivated for that particular event. Keep up the training and motivation as we are near our Athletics Event.

  8. From my past learning in PE I have been Training or participating in all activities. All activities are, High jump, Long jump, Javelin, Shot put, Discus, 100m run, 400m run and relays. In All these activities I have been working well because I chose to get better and better at my previous scores. One thing that has not worked well is myself with timing is because once I've done activities to just go to the next and the next without giving myself a focus/goal. An activity I have improved on is Long jump and the reason why I think I have improved on that is because I change my technique every time I jump to see which technique is best. One thing that has motivated me is me because I know what I can do and If I can't do any activity right I'll push myself to get to my worth.

    1. Kia Ora Anyah,
      Thanks for sharing your Athletics training to date. I am pleased that you are overall feeling good with your improvements in each of your events and that you can identify your work on's in terms of utilizing your time on various events. Hopefully with your long jump you have a technique that you are comfortable with. Keep up the training, momentum, motivation and attendance as we lead into Athletics day this week.

  9. My training has been lacking a little bit cause I've been sleeping on the job but my technique for javelin has been improving little by little with the help of Larncey, Lydah, and Ataahua from YR 10 class as they've been helping with my arm placements and my footwork. My discus has also improved as when I roll it whilst I spin it gives it more power to achieve a further distance. My other things that I have been working on have also been doing quite great but still really need working on for development. For what has been really helping and motivating me is the credits because I don't want to repeat another year because I've been lacking really badly.

    1. good on you girl!

    2. Kia Ora Isabella,
      That it is great you are seeing improvements, even if it is little by little. You have been training really well with your group of girls, supporting and motivating one another. All the best for your Athletics day results!

  10. My training for the five events has been good so far. I have been training on hing jump, long jump, javelin 100 meter sprint and shot put. My training for high jump has been very successful I have learnt plenty of techniques on how to improve my high jump performance. I feel that high jump is something that i have improved on the most because i have trained it the most. In shot put i haven't done much ive only done a couple throws.

    1. Kia Ora Cole,
      Very true you have been doing a lot of High Jump training, so I am glad that you are seeing great improvements. A shame you have not shared the load of your training on others events, here's hoping you throw some good distances tomorrow!

  11. My training has been going good so far, I have chosen discuss, shotput, long jump, 100m sprints and javelin as my five events. I was struggling with getting the technique right for javelin, but I figured it out and improved the technique. My friends motivated me to do all of my events.

    1. Yass Jaia I was the friend guys who motivated her the most so all the credits go to me(:

    2. Great work JEJL keep it up.

  12. Ive been training long jump and in long jump ive got 4.1 metres but i haven't been training long jump that well. in high jump ive got 1.14 and in the end i got 1.20 and that was my best and my running was the best because whaea Abby and James motivated me to do better and i motivated them to race me and in javelin was throwing it wrong and whaea Abby teached me how to throw in better.

  13. I've been training 100m because I need to prove my ruining start and I need to start training my legs and body. javelin throw i need to prove my throwing skills and move my boddy when I throw javelin throw and I need to work on my body movement.

  14. The training that I have been doing has been moderate. I have been practising my technique when it comes to throwing javelin.I can land the javelin on its head and now I only need to get it in with the steps. I haven't really tried to improve my running technique, I just sprint as fast as I can and am happy with my score as long as it is under 20 sec. My fastest run was 16.65 sec. What motivates me is my partner. I see us training together as a competition and try to do better than them.

  15. My athletics training has been going good lately I've improved on better techniques for my chosen 4 events which are Javelin, Long Jump, Discuss & Shot put, Id like to do different events to push myself and challenge myself to build my endurance and to fly through task easily. First time i struggled with Javelin I wasn't getting my arm technique wrong but the more i practised the more I've improved.My friends Larncey, Jaia & Issabella motivated me to work harder on each event.
