Thursday, June 30, 2022

My Active Lifestyle


Now that we have completed our Interpersonal Skills - Volleyball unit which you all participated so reflectively and perceptively in, I would like you to:
1. Choose a paragraph from your My Active Lifestyle - Volleyball  to post. Ensure you have edited it, correcting all punctuation and spelling errors. See my feedback/feed forward on your entry and correct  BEFORE posting. 

2. Over the next week I would like you to comment upon the posts of three classmates.

Ma te manaakitanga, ma te whanaungatanga e whakapakari ake taatou katoa.


  1. In this volleyball unit teamwork was a strong social requirement in the level of participation of me and my teammates. Teamwork wasn’t always working as a team in a team. It was also working as a team with others who are not in your team. Here is a piece of writing from my Diary that shows evidence of Olivia and I working as a team with a member of the opposing team.

    “I demonstrated effective communication with Olivia and Tayla. I effectively communicated with Olivia to help warm ourselves up before our game against Purrr. Olivia and I negotiated with each how we were going to conduct our warm up and we both came to an agreement to do setting and pepper. Whilst conducting our pepper drill Tayla asked if she could join because she wasn't really interacting with her team. Olivia and I agreed and then we moved into setting. Tayla, Olivia and I formed a triangle to conduct the setting drill and although space was crucial to find we managed to communicate with others to create space for us. Whilst conducting setting to each other I communicated with Olivia and Tayla by demonstrating to them to be in a low stable volleyball ready position to receive the ball and also reminded them about calling who got what ball. The intense communication between the three of us was very clear and specific. Olivia and I would use phrases like “ I got” or “mine” to indicate who's got what ball and soon after Tayla caught on and started communicating with us and all together we conducted a well communicated and sociable warm up ready to play”.

    This influenced my participation because it shows that you don't have to be on the same team to work together, nor do you have to be the most skilled to work with others. This social factor has improved the way I communicate with others and has helped me improve my encouragement and support for others. Teamwork has helped me identify where I lack the most in a team environment and has helped me to start building on those parts that need to be improved. ”together everyone achieves more.”

    1. Kia ora Joce, your so kind working with the opposing team, your great at writing and your interpersonal skills are key evidence that influenced your participation. Ka Pai!

    2. Hi Jocelyn, after reading your incredibly insightful comment, I am able to more deeply understand how you think- it is a pleasure to work with you in class, and your motivation is exemplar to us all.

    3. This was lilly :)

  2. Having a sense of achievement encouraged me to participate more. A sense of achievement within in this unit could have been a good recieve, a powerful spike, a block or even just the knowledge you have improved. I find that any kind of sense of achievement encourages me to keep going and to achieve even higher. During this volley unit I started out with a bit of knowledge of the sport yet I was too shy to demonstrate them. As this unit went on, I became less shy allowing me to be more involved. The more involved I got the more achievements I made during our training lessons. These achievements encouraged me to carry on and to improve my skills I had already. One of the common achievements I made was my multiple steps of progress throughout this module. The joy I felt from making these achievements caused me to want to participate more and I naturally put in more effort.

    1. Kerry Boyde-PreeceJuly 1, 2022 at 12:51 PM

      Hi Aisha,

      Congratulations on making such positive progress! Good on you for overcoming your shyness and getting more involved. That shows good strength of character!

      What is a powerful spike? Is that when you hit the ball in a downwards trajectory over the net? I did enjoy playing volleyball, but I hated serving it always used to hurt my forearm, have you got any tips on how to do it without causing bruises?

    2. Kia Ora Aisha, after reading your blog I can relate to how a sense of achievement influenced your participation. When I worked with you you seemed confident in your demonstrations which pushed me to do better. You are a good role model towards all your teammates. Keep it up.

  3. Social Factors: This was certainly the most prominently displayed factor throughout our unit- we were working in an Interpersonal Skills unit, which was integrated into a volleyball module. This involved working as a class, with minimal assistance from Whaea Ruth, to plan, implement and manage our six week unit. At the beginning of the unit we were separated into two teams, with each member of the team being given a role: manager, coach, captain, umpire- all of which had specific duties to fill. I was designated the role of umpire, which... makes sense- give the girl who has no idea how to play volleyball the job of controlling the game. Very smart. As a result of having to manage our own practical lessons, I believe that our class became much more collaborative, which was crucial if we wanted to succeed without the constant supervision of Whaea Ruth. To begin with, our team was simply a group of individuals who were not quite comfortable with one another- as time wore on we became a cohesive unit that worked together to further the development of one another. This interaction is what helped me become more confident in myself, and improved my participation in this unit. The positive synergy within the class, combined with the collaboration between excellent peer coaches and excellent students resulted in the increase in my participation.

    1. Kia ora Lily, I can see why Whaea Ruth stated that your writing was like a novel and really advanced. From what I was able to gather from your reflection is that you have a great understanding of how the Volleyball system works and how you need your team to work cohesively or else it all goes down hill. Great writing

    2. Kia ora Lilly
      I had to chuckle at your humorous portrayal of your response to being allocated the Umpire role in your team - and writing that elicits a response from the reader is great writing, in my opinion. You were sick the day your team met to 'volunteer' for their roles and your team decided you'd make a great Umpire. Hehe. As happened with all your classmates, you had to 'stretch' beyond what you presently knew and could do and extend your capabilities to fulfill the requirements of that role - and you did so. You are also perceptive enough to understand that the requirement that you collectively assumed power over your learning created the opportunity for you all to move from dependence to independence - to interdependence: from cooperation to collaboration. The synergy you identify and I witnessed, was established and sustained by you and your classmates applying your IP skills/learning power so proactively and perceptively.

  4. -Social factors (able to do with friends; choose own group)
    Social factors impacted my participation because everyone in my team was at first quite shy and didn’t want to get too involved and I was the same but over time as we paired,trained and played with different people we started bonding as a team and creating a positive and enjoyable team culture were everyone was encouraged to give their all and try in everything they can. I began to start involving not only myself but everyone else around me. This really influenced my participation because it made me really want to train, play and compete in the final tournament because I enjoyed the game and playing it with the people around me.

    1. Hello Ryan. Reading your blog shows me that as a player you have a positive impact on your team and you are a great athlete. The way you were shy at the start of the unit and then became more open to you're team shows how dedicated you were to the sport. I like your writing and how you have an impact on your team.

  5. Sense of achievement - Helping my team during perfecting drills giving them minor tips to help with small errors they had influenced my participation because I got to teach them how to get better at volleyball. For example I would watch them do a drill and then just point out what the small error was, after doing this I would tell them how they could fix the error and help them. This would ultimately help the team because everyone would play their best and try their hardest. The ultimate reason why this influenced me was their improvement. Seeing them improve made me want to keep improving on my teaching skills.

    1. Kia ora Deegan. From reading your blog comment I can agree with your statement about the sense of achievement you portrayed. You showed great coaching in this unit of volleyball. Albeit you showed us how to improve from a peer-coaching perspective which stimulated skills through a comprehensive manner. You didn't change your presence to teach us as some may have, instead you taught us as if we were your own friend. This form of leadership and coaching made learning easier and comfortable. Thank you for coaching us and I advise you to keep striving Deegan because the outcome of your hard work was reciprocal for you, our teammates and myself. Kia kaha.

    2. Kia or Deagan. After reading your comments, as a coach, you can see how you have achieved a sense of accomplishment through your writing. I wasn't sure how you led the team, but if you read Jocey's comments, you'll find that you were a great leader. Kia or Deagan.

    3. Kia ora Deegan, although I wasn't able to experience working alongside you during this unit, I am able to understand, thanks to the comments, how well you were able to full fill your role as a 'coach'. Your reflection allowed me to gain insight of the influence you had over your peers. You were a very admirable character and showed through your social interaction. Please continue to maintain this excellence-level thinking. Kia ora.

    4. Kia Ora deegan As one of the players that you coached I found that the more you coached and the more I improved the more you would want to teach me more you were helpful to not just me but everyone in our team we were lucky to have you as a coach:)

  6. Social factors - Challenge
    A challenge is something that we can all use. Ever since the start of this topic I have been challenged, challenged by the skills physically and mentally. But sometimes it can get all up in my head and completely change my game play because I’d only focus on the things that I had done wrong. This is where my team came in, I had an amazing team that made everything so much better. They were always talking to me in a positive way (even if I did make a mistake and lose a point). Having them beside me when such a mental challenge is occurring always made me feel secure in a way. That’s why I love challenges so much because if you get the right people around you, which I did, I was able to keep striving for achievements, or to perfect skills and not feel bad if I didn’t get it right straight away, because my team was always beside me. This made me always want to participate and try my best.

    1. Hey Ethan, we definitely had a similar challenges in this unit. It's nice to read how you overcame your challenge and the positive impact the team had. I saw you always practising and perfecting the skills, keep facing your challenge the achievement is always worth it!

    2. Kia ora Ethan, I like how you kept striving throughout our volley unit to achieve which shows that you are hard working and are willing to take up a challenge. Through your reflection I can see that your team had a big impact on your participation and helped you overcome your challenges through their encouragement. Being a member of your team this unit I know that you were also giving positive comments to not only me but other members in our team as well, so you were also contributing to the positive environment our team was creating. Keep up the good work and I wish you luck in our next module

    3. Hi Ethan, I can relate to your blog very much. It is awesome to see how you overcame your barriers with the help of your peers. Keep up the great work.

  7. Improving Skills was a major influence on my participation in Volleyball this year. For the six week duration of this unit, improving skills was my number one job especially as a coach. I was always with someone helping them with the basics of forearm passes, sets, overarm serves and eventually the slightest bit more advanced, spiking. A few of my main co-operates were Capri, Olivia, and Jocelyn (the girls of my team). Capri was first and I worked with her for the beginning two weeks and her natural movement to get under the ball was perfect so I just had to focus on hand placements in which she also mastered, and not too long after was helping other teammates and sharing knowledge that I had shared and she had learnt. For Jocelyn she's one to have a lot more power than she may need so I just needed to help her with controlling the ball in things like her serves and spikes. Lastly, Olivia was my number one focus who I mainly had to help with not only the techniques of setting and passing but also her confidence. Whenever I sensed a bit of discomfort I would always slow things down and remind her that it’s fine to not get things straight away, it took me a while to get a hang of the game when I first started as well. Throughout all of this I also improved my skills as a coach and learnt the different skill levels of each of my peers and understanding the most efficient ways to help them individually and effectively.

    1. Kia Ora Jacque, by reading this I could tell that both of us (as coaches) were able to enhance our coaching capabilities, even though it was in different ways we both gained something. Kia Ora

    2. Kia ora Jacque, after reading this I could tell that you and Varren did an amazing job at enhancing your coaching abilities with your team even though you's both did it in different ways. Kia ora

    3. Hey Jacque, you did a great job as a coach for your team, I enjoyed hearing you train Capri and watching your performance on the court was inspiring. Keep up the hard work.

    4. Hi Jacque, I like how you included the improvement of others skills not just yours. As I was coached by you I got to see your coaching skills improve first hand. You really helped me improve my skills. Thank you for that.

  8. Social factor: Teaching and coaching others really improved my socialness towards people in my team and helped people you aren’t as social as everyone else to improve as well. This was really cool because I had the opportunity to coach people I don’t usually talk to, but now I have become good friends with them and I always talk to everyone now. Learning how to be social was a bit of a struggle because I find it hard talking in-front of a lot of people at once but I learnt to be social and be able to talk to anyone without being shy. If you don’t know what social means here's a quick definition: “ Being social means that you like enjoying others company” that is how I felt throughout this whole unit.

    1. Kia ora Ngapua. From reading your blog comment I can agree that social factors have helped stimulate 'socialness' into your external presence. I liked how you showed resilience to build your confidence in an open environment as well as taking on the role as a coach. From what I read, the outcome of the level of performance and participation was reciprocal for both you and your teammates whether it was physically, verbally or mentally. Keep striving to reach your maximum potential. Do not limit your challenges. But challenge your limits.

    2. Kia Ora Ngapua. I wouldn't believe that you struggle with talking in front of a group of people considering you're basically the class clown and are always trying to make someone or everyone laugh. But I guess even the people who seem the most outgoing are somewhat shy as well. However it is good to see that you never let that shyness stop you from helping your teammates be the best they can be. You were a true leader for your team and I hope you transfer those leadership skills into our next unit :))

    3. Kia ora Ngapua. I couldn't help but notice how hard working you are during team discussions it being your job as coach. It is so cool how you learn't how to teach even though you had no clue how to coach at all. Our teacher Whaea Ruth helped you out alot by letting you experience and do new things. I enjoyed reading how happy you were as a coach and I can't wait to see more from you.

    4. Hello Ngapua. I can tell from your blog that you are a very well rounded player who is capable of coaching at a high standard while encouraging and picking up you're team mates while doing so. Showing effective communication has helped You're team improve in volleyball and I can say that you are a very good coach. GG :D

  9. Fun/enjoyment
    When the game environment was fun I participated at a higher level. During fun activities I focused less on my abilities and the competitive side of things and was more thinking in the moment. This helped me not get caught up in my mistakes or overthink. When I overthink it is usually in a negative way, this then impacts my participation negatively as I lose my confidence and the willingness to participate with it. When the game is focused more on enjoyment the pressure goes off and I participate more as I fear less about letting the team down. This happened in King of the Court, where it was fast paced and the winner was always changing. This left no room for overthinking. I found that I participated very highly in King of the Court because it was an enjoyable game environment.

    1. Kia ora Olivia. From reading your blog comment I was able to identify your sense of motivation. I can see that you have highlighted where you lack in a sports environment (overthinking) and how it has impacted on your performance. I like how a fun and enjoyable environment tackles those thoughts down; stimulating resilience and building perseverance. Throughout the continuous challenges you face in level 1 PHE you continue to keep striving for the best, thus becoming a prime example of resilience. Kia u ki te pai.

    2. Kia Ora Olivia. I love how you pointed out your progress you made during the 6 weeks of volleyball. You also found ways to overcome your thoughts which is a very great thing people do which was a good way to keep the thoughts out. I enjoyed reading how ou felt during volleyball and I can't wait to see more from you.

    3. Kia ora Olivia. I love how you pointed out the progress of volleyball you made in the 6 weeks we had. You have also found a way to get over your thoughts and this was a great thing you did to better improve yourself and a good way to keep their thoughts out. I enjoyed reading what you felt when you were playing volleyball and can't wait to see more from you.

    4. Kia Ora Olivia. As one of your coaches it was amazing to see how much more confident you became throughout our volleyball unit and I can see where it all started, King of the Court. I remember being so blown away at how involved and committed you were, and I was glad to have someone like you on my team. It is also great to see you share in your reflection things that challenged you most being overthinking. I'm sure everyone has faced this challenge before because I know I have and I can't promise you nothing but the best outcomes if you keep up this mindset that focuses on having fun rather than winning. I can't wait to see more of this confident side of you in our next units to come and I wish you all the best.

    5. Kia ora Olivia, as someone who has watched you progress with your learning, I can say that your ability to pick yourself up after making a mistake is truly admirable. From someone who had little confidence, it was uplifting to experience your development and the enthusiastic way you began to approach training.

    6. this was Lilly btw

    7. Kia Ora Olivia I noticed that at the start of the Volleyball assessment you were very shy and not as involved but I also found the more you played the more you started to bond with others and actually enjoy playing the game so keep it up and keep on involving yourself:)

    8. Kia Ora Olivia, it's good to see that you can clearly recognise where you need to improve and what factors did and didn't affect your participation. Keep it up Liv.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The social factor in volleyball heavily influenced my effort and participation. This factor most certainly had a significant impact on me throughout this unit. Socialization occurs through social interaction that accompanies sport participation, elevated mood, and allows people to exert more effort in a given task. Communication, cooperation and collaboration are all factors that are influenced by this, which is what I experienced in this unit. With outstanding role models in our class, I was able to mimic their behaviour to my benefit. Developing confidence overtime allowed me to construct my own behavioural habits that uphold the same values as my role models and also achieved similar. As a result of this, I’m able to approach people more confidently and establish a strong connection with them; this became evident in my reflections: “Ethan and I have created a strong bond over this unit and it now becomes easy to effectively communicate and show support/encouragement towards him during lessons. I now need to establish this connection with other people in our class who seem to veer away from everybody else and include them more often.” This factor has improved my communication skills and confidence to talk to people which I once lacked. This factor has also been the switch for light-bulb moments I’ve experienced during this unit; it has allowed me to acknowledge my actions and the impact I’ve had on others.

    1. Kia Ora Izaiah, from reading this blog post I could tell that you enjoyed yourself. You are a great observer but also a good role model for others too. I like how you took your time to build up courage and confidence which indicates that their is more greater things to come from you. I also enjoyed reading how you could identify what you still are trying to work on which is something others cannot display. Keep up the good work Izaiah!!

    2. Kia ora Izaiah, from reading your reflection I can see that you have an amazing vocabulary and you are an in depth writer. You have clearly described how social factors positively influenced your participation throughout these volley lessons. For me as someone who was in your team I could visually see the improvement you were making throughout this unit. I wish luck in our next module and keep up the good work.

  12. Now, after 6 weeks those challenges turned into achievements. I got over my shy stage because Whaea Ruth was able to talk some sense into me, I now know more about volleyball then I did before and now, I made friends with people I didn’t even think would talk to me even after being put into a team with them. I felt like I achieved something the moment I knew that volleyball was all I could think about from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. I even zone out and think back to the good times when we were two weeks into volleyball and we all were still struggling to receive a serve. It was those times that I wish I could go back and relive the experience. I overcame my shyness when I was around people in my team which I think is the greatest achievement because when I overcame my shyness around them I was able to play/learn more instead of overthinking it.

    1. What a lovely recount of your personal learning journey and who/what motivated you on that journey Capri. I particularly loved the insight of your opening sentence. Keep believing in your ability to improve and acknowledging the help others who are willing support you in all learning. Then you will again (and again) experience remarkable skill/knowledge development like you did in Volleyball

    2. Kia Ora Capri. I wouldn't believe someone six weeks ago if they told me I would end up saying more than just a 'Hi' to you, but here we are. It wasn't only a great experience to coach and help you play this amazing sport, but it was also great to get closer as classmates after all these years. I have to agree with you and say I think about when we first started our volleyball unit as well, and I was just completely shocked with your natural ability to move to the ball. I knew from that moment you'd be an outstanding player on the team and that you'd go very far in this unit as an individual. I wish you nothing but the best for your future plans, and hope Whangarei treats you well :)

    3. Kia ora Capri, its is clear through your reflection that you have overcome a challenge you faced within our lessons with volley. You had become more sociable which positively affected your cooperation with your team and allowed you to create bonds with new people. It is good to see that you have made a great achievement and I wish you luck with our next unit.

  13. Change was a major influence on my participation in Volleyball because as a sportsman, I have been told many times that I have a huge tendency to drop my head or focus only on the mistakes I’ve made. During this Volleyball unit I have unintentionally set aside that toxic mindset to focus more on helping my teammates’ mental barriers in Volleyball. In this unit, I have made countless mistakes in a game or messing up a drill instruction, only to laugh it off then letting it stay in the past. Being able to do this sets a great example for my team to leave all your mistakes in the past and solely focusing on the future. This unit was a favourite of mine, not just because I love Volleyball but because I was able to relax for a bit and actually enjoy the 6 weeks of training we had.

    1. Kia Ora Varren as one of your fellow teammates I can see why you were chosen as coach and I've seen you strive and become better as a helper and a player you make nearly 0 mistakes and when you do you focus on fixing them instantly so keep it up

    2. the comment above is mine

    3. Hello Varren. I like your understanding of change and how you have shown it in this piece of writing. I apprectiate how you can put a side toxic mindsets to help others improve. Nice work

  14. Challenge. This factor had influenced my participation in this unit. One challenge I had was coaching my peers because they were all at different levels of skill in this sport and finding particular drills that could further enhance their performances on the court and with each other. This was easier for me as a coach because of the amount of experience I have gained over the years while playing this sport. The length of time challenged me as a coach because I wanted to have each of my teammates to a level of skill which, when reached, could play a proper game. For me the coaching role was a challenge itself, seeing how I improved each player in my team through guidance, skills and support made me feel proud of myself and my teammates that they achieved this much in this unit and sport.

    1. Kira Ora Hemi, I agree with you in the first sentence that it was a bit of a challenge at the start but we did get there and were able to pass on our shared knowledge to the class.

    2. Hemi, you are an exceptional coach and an even better role model. You were able to successfully pass your knowledge of this sport down to your peers and did so in an effective manner. I admire your ability to adapt to situations and remain calm while doing so. Your insightful and lyrical reflections always cease to amaze me; please continue to maintain this excellence-level thinking.

    3. Kia Ora Hemi,
      Having you as a coach was an amazing experience, not only were you great at coaching and teaching us, but the way you were able to communicate with us and show us how to improve. Being able to have this skill is a major. You've done an amazing job, I know this because over the 6 weeks that we have had volleyball, I have watched your coaching abilities go sky high. Keep it up!!

  15. Well being is a factor which influences my participation frequently, this was an important factor for how I participated in Volleyball. During this unit I failed physically with demonstrating Interpersonal skills but I faced this challenge and participated as an umpire and tournament controller. Although I was always communicating and being involved with my peers I struggled with accepting the fact I couldn't play and felt like I wasn't a part of the team.

  16. Yes, it was a tough unit for you as recovery from your shoulder surgery excluded you from the practical training with your team Ocean. A disheartening situation for you as you love learning through movement so much. To your credit though, you took every opportunity to support and encourage, give FB and FF to your team mates - indeed, you assumed a 'third coach' role proactively. You also accepted the role of Tournament Controller, effectively co-constructing a draw and results grid and after returning from a bout of the 'flu, over seeing the seamless running of 2 days of our 3 day tournament. Well done.

  17. "Social factors heavily had a positive influence on my effort, fulfilment and participation during this unit of volleyball." This statement proves true in my eyes. In each lesson I observed how much effort you exerted towards a given task. You are a very capable student who has significantly improved over the six week duration of this unit. Well done.

  18. Hi Jayden, as someone who was in your team for this unit, it was an uplifting experience for me to witness your development over this unit. It was so cool to see your progression from quiet to a cruicial and active member of our team.

  19. The factor ‘challenge’ influenced my participation in volleyball by giving me something to overcome and work myself towards. I had an end goal to achieve by giving myself a challenge to overcome by the end of volleyball, such as building my confidence, improving skills, learning to communicate effectively in a team environment, staying positive, supporting and encouraging my peers/teammates ect. Each lesson I would have to overcome a challenge. In the first week of volleyball I had to overcome the challenge of building my confidence. As my confidence increased so did my participation because I was able to feel comfortable to mess up a skill or basically embarrass myself in front of my peers. Overall my participation increased as I overcame more challenges. When I overcame a challenge my participation increased because I had improved in confidence and other aspects and was able to participate at a higher level with my peers. I thought that overcoming the challenge of learning how to effectively communicate in a team environment would be a lot harder than it was because as soon as I was put into a team I was welcomed with positivity and drive to become better players. The team energy contributed to whether or not I would improve because their positivity made me feel like a true member of the team and was able to comfortably challenge myself as it was ok to mess up sometimes, as long as I was improving. Even though I was one of the least experienced players I became an average player by the end and was able to feel confident in most of my skills. My participation levels had skyrocketed by the time I overcame a new challenge. There were never any challenges to overcome so it kept me busy trying to overcome them.

    1. Hi Sophie, your post is clear about how your skills improved over the lesson, I also saw your improvement when our teams played eachother. Well done and keep improving your skills.

  20. i love this your so cool

  21. Kia Ora Jayden, as a person in your group I can see your point of view on things because I agree that social factors also had a similar occurrence to fun and enjoyment. These two factors have also brought me closer to people in our team, including you.
