Monday, November 28, 2022

 JUMP START- New Beginning    Making new relationships  

Outta  my comfort zone

So you have all now experienced working with new classmates and learning new skills associated with Renegade Hockey. You have also been keeping a learning diary of those trainings and games.

Now I would like you to:

1. Choose one of those diary entries, edit it carefully and copy/paste it to this blog

2. Read entries of your classmates and respond to two classmates. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

My Active Lifestyle


Now that we have completed our Interpersonal Skills - Volleyball unit which you all participated so reflectively and perceptively in, I would like you to:
1. Choose a paragraph from your My Active Lifestyle - Volleyball  to post. Ensure you have edited it, correcting all punctuation and spelling errors. See my feedback/feed forward on your entry and correct  BEFORE posting. 

2. Over the next week I would like you to comment upon the posts of three classmates.

Ma te manaakitanga, ma te whanaungatanga e whakapakari ake taatou katoa.

Friday, May 27, 2022


Ramere 27 o Haratua 

Interpersonal Skills Reflections

Kia ora koutou 
We have witnessed your awesome demonstrations  of IP skills in your Volleyball trainings and games. We know you have noted the impact you are all having on others too having read your diary reflections.
1. Now, we want you to choose your best, most carefully edited reflection from either your diary or today's entry and post it here to share with your classmates.
2. Over the next week we expect you to respond to three classmates.

Ma te manaakitanga, ma te whanaungatanga e whakapakari ake taatou katoa

Friday, April 1, 2022


Now that we have completed our Renegade Hockey unit which you all participated so vigorously in, I would like you to:
1. Choose a paragraph from your My Active Lifestyle to post. Ensure you have edited it, correcting all punctuation and spelling errors (see my feedback/feed forward) BEFORE posting. 

2. Over the next week I would like you to comment upon the posts of three classmates.

Ma te manaakitanga, ma te whanaungatanga e whakapakari ake taatou katoa.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

  Kia ora koutou oku tauira pukumahi

I admit I have high expectations of you and they are underpinned by the belief that you CAN and WILL train more effectively and purposefully if YOU took complete charge of your training. However, many of you exceeded even my expectations. It was a delight to witness you totally engrossed in training you had planned.- informed by reflecting on how effective your training was, what next.. and researching coaching advice from the internet.  Tino miharo to koutou whakaritenga!

Now I would like you to:

1. Choose a reflection from your 'Log It or Lose It' OR your Portfolio Entry 2 which best captures your response to/in this module of learning.

2. Check for any spelling/punctuation/grammatical errors and edit.

3. Copy and paste it here.

Your task over the next week is to respond to the posts of three classmates. I know you will ensure your responses are: POSITIVE   SUPPORTIVE   HELPFUL

                    Ma te manaakitanga e whakapakari taatou

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to the class blog for Year 11 PE. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.